Nick Dale


environmentalist einstein

Voice Part: Baritone
Year: 2022??
Member From: Fall 2016
Major: Physics
Hometown: Berkeley, CA
Arrangements: None

Music Interests: Lake Street Dive, Chet Faker, Beyoncé, Mumford and Sons, Hozier, Allen Stone, Tom Misch, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Kendrick Lamar, Bill Withers

Bio: One day, Nick aspires to become an environmentally-conscious Albert Einstein. He grew out his hair and applied to UC Berkeley physics so he could focus on reducing the carbon footprint of space travel. His particular appreciation of the superposition of resonant cavities drew him to the world of a cappella which has brought unending delight. Outside of physics, Nick enjoys battling gravity by manipulating the normal force on condensed materials and studying the projectile motion resulting from collisions between long cylinders and small spheres.

Random: Nick enjoys writing cryptic bios.